There are lots of ways you can donate to Purple Patch; whether you decide to make a one-off or regular donation, send us resources for our Lifelong Learning Programmes, or donate whilst you shop with no cost to you, we are grateful for anything you choose to give.
Donate Via JustGiving
You can make a one-off or regular donation through JustGiving. Your donation can help us to provide the high quality, accessible learning experiences that we’re known for, providing the resources we need to ensure that participants have the opportunity to learn and develop in a fun and inclusive environment.
Sponsor a bursary
We offer a limited number of bursary places to people who aren’t in a position to pay to attend our programmes. By sponsoring one of these places, your generous donation can make a real difference to somebody’s life, like John.
Donate resources
We use a LOT of resources on our programmes: tea bags, felt tips, costumes, musical instruments, IT equipment and anything and everything in between. If you think you might have something we could use, please get in touch – you’d be surprised what we can find a use for!
Donate with Payroll Giving
The Payroll Giving Scheme enables you to donate to us from your pay or pension. The donation is taken before income tax is applied, making it a tax-effective way to give that supports us to continue empowering learning-disabled people to thrive.
Sign up to easyfundraising
Fancy donating to Purple Patch without it costing you a penny? We’re registered on easyfundraising – choose us as your charity and every time you buy something online from a registered retailer, we’ll get a donation, meaning you can help us deliver inclusive learning opportunities for all whilst doing your shopping!