Lifelong Learning Programmes
We believe that learning should be joyful, creative, empowering and accessible to everyone. We specialise in creating spaces that spark imagination, where people are free to be themselves, learn in a way that suits them, and become powerful advocates for themselves and their community.
In our Lifelong Learning Programmes, we support over 140 learning-disabled people across Yorkshire to thrive and grow in a safe and supportive community.
Our Lifelong Learning Programmes are for learning-disabled adults. Our specialist staff use creative methods such as art, drama, music, movement and multi-sensory activity to make learning fun and accessible, exploring a wide range of different topics based on a yearly theme.
Our theme for 2024/25 is ‘Celebration!’
In the past we have…

…had visits from the Emergency Services and tried on their uniforms to learn about frontline workers.

…created our own night skies inspired by star trail photography.

…dressed up as scientists and explored chemistry, biology and physics.

…learnt about the different instrument families and had a go at playing some ourselves.
Why come to a Purple Patch programme?
They’re life-enhancing
We support participants to express themselves creatively, to develop their confidence, independence, communication and social skills, to improve their wellbeing and to challenge themselves.
They’re inclusive
Our innovative approach means that our highly skilled staff can work with a sense of adventure, adapting to the needs of our participants and creating environments where people can thrive.
They’re a different way to learn
We provide access to affordable, meaningful learning opportunities that are exciting and engaging to a wide range of learning-disabled people.
Useful information

Lifelong Learning Programmes run from 10am – 3pm during term time. The day is broken up into three one-hour sessions, with regular breaks built in to encourage social interaction.

Our programmes cost £50 per day and are usually funded through people’s personal budgets.

Once you are signed up, your place is yours. We have a four-week notice period to allow us to fill a space if anyone leaves us.

Please click here to download our term dates for 2024/25.
Our Programmes run in community venues across Yorkshire.
All of our locations are wheelchair accessible, with some offering changing places toilets. The icons next to each programme give you an overview of the accessibility of each venue. Please contact us to discuss specific requirements.

Our Impact
We are proud to make magic together. We see the impact of our work on a daily basis, in the increased wellbeing, confidence, independence and life skills of our participants, and the ripple effects that has for their families, carers and wider communities. But don’t just take our word for it! Watch our evaluation video where we share our participants’ responses from our latest interactive evaluation weeks in our Lifelong Learning Programmes.
You can also watch our 2023 Evaluation Video.
How to Join
We offer two free taster sessions so that people can find out if our Lifelong Learning Programmes are right for them.
If you, or somebody you know, might like to come to a Lifelong Learning Programme then please get in touch using the contact details below. We will work with you to identify your access needs, find out a bit about you, and discuss the best programme for you to try.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s some answers to questions that we get asked a lot! If you have any other questions, then please get in touch.
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Do you provide personal care?
We aren’t able to provide personal care, but you’re very welcome to bring someone with you to support you in any way you need.
Do you provide transport?
We don’t provide transport; you’ll need to make your own arrangements for getting to and from our programmes.
Do you provide lunch?
We don’t provide lunch; most people bring a packed lunch with them, and some venues have kitchen facilities or cafes that you can use. We do provide hot and cold drinks throughout the day though!
Is your learning accredited?
We don’t offer accredited learning as we believe that everyone should be able to learn at their own pace, in their own way. We create individual portfolios at the end of the year which show people’s progress, and have a celebration event at each programme on the last day of the summer term.
Why are you term time only?
We have a new theme every year, different sub-themes every week and for every term we write a brand new scheme of work and resource pack from which the delivery staff plan their sessions. We need time and space to do this between terms and over the summer to ensure we provide a consistently high quality of service.
Do you offer activities during the holidays?
We don’t, we have offered holiday programmes in the past however not enough people attended these for them to be viable.
How do I get funding through my local authority?
If you have an allocated social worker you can speak to them, if you don’t you can call the duty number at your local authority and request an allocated social worker who will carry out an assessment and arrange for funding and transport if appropriate. Purple Patch Arts cannot apply for funding on your behalf, however we can help you with the process.
Is everyday at Purple Patch the same?
No, the programme leaders and artists plan their own sessions, considering the individuals within the programmes they work in which means that every Purple Patch day is tailored to the group.
Get in touch to find out more:

Jessica, Programmes Manager
07519 929951

Megan, Outreach Coordinator
07510 330105