This week’s theme:
The Mysteries of Exercise
Fact of the day:
Dancing is a whole-body workout that’s fun. It’s good for your heart, it makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and coordination.
Resources list:
Jess’s videos; Youtube; Dressing up costumes.
Activity 1:
Watch this dance tutorial video by Jess and learn some Samba moves.
Activity 2:
Watch this dance tutorial video by Jess and learn some Bollywood moves.
Activity 3:
Listen to this week’s music playlist and have a disco dance around your house. Put on, or make yourself a dancing costume.
Add on activity:
Ote Mabuse from Strictly has been posting dance tutorials during lockdown – can you keep up with her and have a go at one of them? Are you good enough to be on the next series of Strictly?!